
Global Trainee - Skanska

Global Trainee

Bedrift: Skanska | Gå til bedriftspresentasjon

Stillingstype: Heltid
Arbeidssted: Oslo
Søknadsfrist: 31.03.2008
Antall stillinger: 2

Ønsket utdannelse: Teknologi, ingeniørfag og arkitektur
Utdanningsnivå: Bachelorgrad (cand.mag)
Bransjer: Bygg/Anlegg/Entreprenør


Skanska Global Trainee Program

If You have recently graduated from college or University and have no more than three years of experience, our Global Trainee Program offers you the opportunity to take giant leaps forward in the next stage of your life.

We are looking for people with different backgrounds and experience, but with this in common; great ambition, a strategic and creative mindset and desire to shape both a personal career and make a difference in the world.

If you think this could be the non-stop-frustrating-exhilerating-challenging-rewarding-on-the-job-experience you're looking for during 2008/2010, apply before March 31. Find out more at www.skanska.com/careers

Internett: http://www.skanska.com

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